Hi there

My name is Ethan Hanlon and this is my personal blog, sudo chown ethan-hanlon. The name is a spin on the chown command in Linux, which changes the owner of a file. It’s like you saying “I own this blog” and also a pun on my name. I’m a bit of a software nerd, so I thought it was a fitting name.

I’ll use this space to talk about whatever stuff is on my mind - technical stuff, thoughts, travels, whatnot. I’ll try to post weekly updates, so definitely stay tuned.

I’m a Computer Science student at San Francisco State University and I have a passion for using programming to build cool stuff and advance justice in the world. I’m an intern at a battery infrastructure company called Towa Industries, where I do everything from manufacturing to software engineering. I’m also the Chief Aviation Officer at the SFSU Fog City Rocketry Club where I build rockets and do other cool stuff.

I also have interests in music, WGI color guard, gaming, and other stuff. I’ll be posting about whatever interests me :)

If you want to follow my travels and exploits, definitely follow me: